
Introduction Welcome! As a clinical hypnotherapist who has worked with hundreds of clients and spoken with thousands of audience members through speaking engagements, I’ve encountered a range of questions and concerns. Many individuals seek hypnotherapy to help with prevalent issues like anxiety, depression, and addiction, but often, there’s a degree of uncertainty or confusion about...
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Have you ever had a run in with a porcupine? I have and it wasn’t very pretty. At one time or another we all have to deal with difficult people. You know the type? They take opportunities to dig or stab or criticize, often followed by a laugh thinking that is helps their toxic medicine...
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Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous? Actually who are we not to be? You are a child of...
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It’s family fun time! You anticipate and prepare, you gather and have a great time, then it’s over and inevitably as loved ones part ways we may say things like “Oh no, we forgot to  ______” or “We never _____” or “We ran out of time to ______”. How fun is that? There’s a simple...
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This ‘not so healthy’ family favorite is very popular in British Columbia, Canada where I grew up. Years ago a lady from Nanaimo, BC entered them into a baking contest and now there are over a hundred variations. I took my variation of the recipe to a Christmas party at our church and it won...
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Inspiration in a bottle! That’s what my friend Heidi handed me. Sip after glorious sip my mind raced to figure out how I could create this same experience for my family from my own kitchen. Coconut Milk Delight is the result. I shared it with my daughter and her response was “MoM this is so...
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Zombies, Monsters & Ghosts oh my! Luckily they only come out once a year knocking on our doors in hopes of being treated and not tricked. Wouldn’t it be silly to let them run around in our heads playing havoc with our peace of mind? Unfortunately, we do exactly that when we wallow in Worryland....
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This protein packed soup is perfect for those rainy days when you want to curl up with a good book. I knew the moment I tasted the first bite that it would be a life time fav. I hope that you enjoy this Almond Chicken Soup as much as I do. ·       4 cups chicken stock...
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One of the most important meals that I have ever made was for my daughter’s home coming after giving birth to her first child. I knew that her body needed a good helping of  healthy eating homemade bone broth and this Chicken Tortilla soup has been her favorite for years. Whipping up a batch of bone...
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