
Personal Development
Introduction Welcome! As a clinical hypnotherapist who has worked with hundreds of clients and spoken with thousands of audience members through speaking engagements, I’ve encountered a range of questions and concerns. Many individuals seek hypnotherapy to help with prevalent issues like anxiety, depression, and addiction, but often, there’s a degree of uncertainty or confusion about...
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Have you ever had a run in with a porcupine? I have and it wasn’t very pretty. At one time or another we all have to deal with difficult people. You know the type? They take opportunities to dig or stab or criticize, often followed by a laugh thinking that is helps their toxic medicine...
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Zombies, Monsters & Ghosts oh my! Luckily they only come out once a year knocking on our doors in hopes of being treated and not tricked. Wouldn’t it be silly to let them run around in our heads playing havoc with our peace of mind? Unfortunately, we do exactly that when we wallow in Worryland....
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Enjoying humor and a good laugh is one of the quickest, easiest, most affordable, beneficial things that you can do to reduce stress by bringing your mind and body back into balance. Michael Miller, M.D. who has studied the benefits of laughter states “Your sense of humor is one of the most powerful tools you...
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Would you like to learn about an easy 2 minute exercise that is proven to boost your confidence and your sense of personal power, reduce reactiveness to stress, increase your tolerance for risk and pain and increase your ability to think abstractly? How You Hold Your Body Affects How You Feel You’ve heard that your...
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Choose to be free. Create YOUR life the way you want to live it! How happy are you? As I take time to ponder about how grateful I am to live in a free country my mind wanders to our right to be personally free. Free to choose happiness. This quiz “Satisfaction with Life Scale”...
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When was the last time you focused on things you dream about for your life? This is a perfect time to create a Dream Board which is a fun and powerful way to reach and maintain your goals! Grab a piece of poster board and some magazines and dream away. Why you ask? “Go confidently...
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